So tickled to have award-winning author Cynthia Ruchti with us this week! She’s a fellow Wisconsinite to boot! Here’s a little about her latest release, Song of Silence.

Song of Silence PK (002)Charlie and Lucy Tuttle are committed to each other for life, but that life isn’t turning out quite like they expected. Charlie retired early, but Lucy planned to continue in her position as a music educator in a small Midwestern K-8 school indefinitely. And then the day came when she was forced to retire. Lucy was devoted to the program her father started years ago and now she can only watch as it disintegrates before her eyes. The longer she is separated from the passion of her heart, the more the music fades from her life and she wonders if her faith’s song is fading too. When a simple misstep threatens to silence Lucy forever, a young boy and his soundless mother change the way she sees—and hears—everything.


  1. Lucy experiences a major upheaval in her life. What upheavals have you experienced?

Average upheavals. I wonder whose life has been a smooth upward trend with no dips and curves, no plunges into the depths followed by glimpses of wonderful. Some upheavals have been challenging, but in a good way. Finding out we weren’t going to have two children but three, nine years after our second child was born. Discovering that—wonder of wonders—I’d been elected president of American Christian Fiction Writers. I moved from Topic of the Week coordinator and volunteer choir director for the conference to president of the corporation. Smooth, huh? When my husband fell from his hunting stand and broke his back and his femur—an hour after I accidentally set the kitchen on fire—with full-time caregiving for my husband complicated by my own major surgery weeks later. Upheaval. (The full story takes 3 hours to tell.)

  1. Lucy loses a passion. What does that do to a person?

I don’t believe Lucy is alone in her slow descent into depression after her life’s work and driving passion are ripped away. She was disoriented, confused, disappointed, heartbroken. Her life-plan dissolved in an instant. It took her too long to figure out that it was okay to not only admit how she felt, but to seek help. She tried to put up a strong front with the very people who would have been the first to hold her and cry with her. That created unnatural distance in her family relationships for a time. I think Lucy’s story parallels a story many of us can relate to.

  1. There is a deaf character in the story. How did you go about researching deafness and the deaf community?

In my immediate circle of family and friends, I am not blessed with connections with the deaf community. But I have a dear friend who is well versed in that world, having both parents and parents-in-law who are deaf. In addition to research through books, online videos and articles, and tidbits I’d picked up along the way, my friend and I conversed at length about the intricacies that don’t always make it into print. Relationship challenges and joys. The “loudness” or emphasis of what deaf people are saying with their hands and body language. The lip-reading versus signing debate, which I hadn’t realized was a debate. The music in communicating without sound. Her personal and life-long experience within the deaf community was invaluable help in writing Song of Silence.

  1. What do you hope your readers take away from this book?

My overarching desire is for the reader to leave the reading experience saying, “I can’t unravel. I’m hemmed in hope.” Through Song of Silence, my hope is that readers will also walk away realizing that the pauses, silences, and “rests” in our lives can be the most meaningful if they’re “played” with the kind of intensity with which we play life’s notes on the page.

  1. What do you like to do in your free time, when you aren’t writing?

I don’t claim to be a photographer, but I do enjoy capturing artistic moments and scenes. And—it may come as no surprise—I enjoy listening to and creating music. I serve on our church’s worship team and sometimes serve as the worship leader for writers’ conferences. That too added some of the emotional texture in Song of Silence.

Thank you so much for allowing me time to chat with you and your readers!

Cynthia Ruchti-PK (002)To keep up with Cynthia Ruchti, visit You can also follow her on Facebook (Cynthia Ruchti), Twitter (@cynthiaruchti), and Pinterest (cynthiaruchti).


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Thanks so much for visiting with us, Cynthia!