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Donna Wichelman, a first-time guest, joins us this week to talk about her new book, A Song of Deliverance. In addition to talking about the book, we discuss how her writing journey began, the importance of imagination, and her love for kayaking. If you’re a patron, you’ll get to hear about how she would spend a rainy day.
A Song of Deliverance by Donna Wichelman
Born into the Irish system of landholding that favors the moneyed class, Anna Sullivan has no dowry and no chance of marrying the man she loves. Poor and heartbroken, she flees Ireland to tend to Uncle Liam’s house in Colorado and take on her deceased aunt’s sewing business.
But when Anna arrives in Georgetown, she discovers a mine disaster at the Singing Silver Mine has killed her uncle. Orphaned and destitute again, she gathers her faith, courage, and ingenuity to establish a life in the community. Only one person stands in her way—the mine’s owner.
A wealthy, grief-stricken widower of European nobility, Stefan Maier threw his energies into making his mark as a silver mining baron in Colorado when his wife and child died at sea, emigrating to America. Now, everyone blames him for the mine disaster that killed nine men. But how does he convince the lovely and opinionated Irish woman of his innocence?
Will Anna’s heart soften towards Stefan? Will Stefan prove himself worthy of Anna’s affections? Each will have to risk everything to attain what they want and need most—love.
Get your copy of A Song of Deliverance.
From her days in grammar school, writing for the school newspaper, Donna was destined to write. Her true passion for writing fiction came to light at the United World College of the Atlantic in Wales, Great Britain—an international high school—where she focused on English Literature and discovered her love of the classics by authors such as Jane Austin and Charles Dickens. Their works awakened a desire to delve into the issues that touch the heart.
One of Donna’s greatest adventures occurred while researching Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights and visiting the Brontë parsonage in Haworth, England. While walking the moors on a drizzly day, she happened upon an old man with a cap and a cane whose ancestors knew the Brontës. He delighted her with his stories and captivated her imagination with his words. Tales like these from people Donna has met all over the world have sparked the stories that come to life on the page.
Her personal essays, articles, and short stories have appeared in various inspirational publications, including Focus on the Family Magazine, Standard Publishing for Adult Sunday School papers, and LIVE Magazine. Two of her devotionals also appeared in A Cup of Comfort Devotional for Mothers and Daughters.
Donna’s romantic suspense, Light Out of Darkness, revolves around the unique story of faith and valor found in the pre-reformation Christians of the French and Italian Alps known as the Waldensians. The sequel, Undaunted Valor, once again weaves Waldensian history around a contemporary story of intrigue and suspense. Her Gilded Age historical romance is about a poor Irish woman who emigrates to America in search of a better life. But when she arrives in Georgetown, Colorado, she discovers her uncle has been killed in a mining accident, and she must find the faith and courage to establish a life for herself.
Donna and her husband of forty years live in Colorado and enjoy spending time with their grandchildren. They participate in ministry at their local church and travel, hike, and kayak when they can.
Visit Donna Wichelman’s website.
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