Welcome to the next installment of Robbing the Races, a mini-mystery to kick off the release of Tabitha Bouldin’s book, Robbing the Races. If you haven’t read the first several chapters, follow the links below to do so. And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
“Finders keepers, losers weepers.” That’s what the coat check girl had told Marian. Did that mean she has the bag of gold that had been here just a minute before?
And where had Robin gone? What should she do first—search for him or for that bag that seemed to be full of gold?
The crowd pressed around her, all clamoring for their coats. But then, in the midst of the horde, she spotted a familiar head. Even for a snazzy place like this, Robin couldn’t manage to tame his wild red curls. His coat was different, but she’d know him a million miles away.
But trying to get to him was like trying to catch a hopping frog. She darted around one rather rotund man only to find that Robin had given her the slip. No sooner had she spotted him again than he slunk around a corner. By the time she made her way there, he was no longer in sight.
There he went, down a long corridor off the dance floor. She tip toed so her peep toe heels wouldn’t give her away. But the windowless hall ate up any light, and by the time her eyes adjusted, he was gone again.
Just as she turned to go back, someone covered her mouth. Though she tried to scream and kick, whoever had her held her too tightly.
“Shush, Marian, it’s me.”
Robin? He release his grip on her, and she spun on him. “Were you trying to scare the living daylight out of me?”
“Do you have it?”
“Have what?” She played coy, though he was likely talking about that mysterious bag.
“You know what.”
“I’m sorry.” She kept her voice to a whisper. “I did, but I didn’t know quite what to do with it. And then it was gone.”
Check back for more of The Missing Bag of Gold, A Robbing the Races mystery, and more chances to win.
July 4: Tabitha Bouldin
July 5: Nancy Williams
July 6: Denise L. Barela
July 7: Kathleen J. Robison
July 8: Liz Tolsma
July 9: Edwina Kiernan

The Legend of Locksley might just get Robin and Marian killed.
Robin Locke’s career as a jockey is far more successful than he ever expected. When a groom is found dead in the stables, Robin sets out to right the wrongs of Locksley. Unfortunately, Robin’s rival is dead set on proving him guilty!
Marian Silvers sets out to find a once-in-a-lifetime story that will ensure her career as a reporter withstands the masochistic attitudes of the paper where she works. As she and Robin dig into the groom’s murder, she finds another side to the legend of Locksley…a side he would prefer stay hidden forever.
While the murderer wreaks havoc in their small town, Marian and Robin find that all is not as it seems. And then they become the next targets. They just need to evade the killer long enough to bring him to justice… and perhaps find love along the way.
This 1940s Robin Hood retelling features swapped character roles and a race against the clock
About the Author

Tabitha Bouldin is a student at Southern New Hampshire University, where she is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s in Creative Writing. As a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), she works with critique groups and provides endorsements for other authors. Tabitha’s genre of choice is Contemporary Christian Romance which she describes as: Adventure with heart. Tabitha spent ten years working as a Medical Assistant before God opened the door which allowed her to become a stay-at-home-homeschooling-mom and author.
Giveaways Everyday!
Here’s the link to enter the chance to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card and an ecopy of Robbing the Races.