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Between the Wild Branches by Connilyn Cossette
Ten years ago Lukio fled Kiryat-Yearim, where he’d been adopted by the Levite family who guarded the Ark of the Covenant. Feeling betrayed by everyone, he returned to his birthplace in Philistia to become a famous fighter. Now the champion of Ashdod, Lukio has achieved every goal with the help of his ruthless cousin. But just as he is set to claim the biggest prize of all, the daughter of the king, his past collides with his present in the form of Shoshana.
After a heartbreaking end to her secret friendship with Lukio, Shoshana thought to never see the boy with the dual-colored eyes and the troubled soul again. But when she is captured in a Philistine raid and enslaved
in Ashdod, she is surprised to find that the brutal fighter known as Demon-Eyes is Lukio himself.
With explosive secrets and unbreakable vows standing between them, finding a way to freedom for both may cost them everything.
Get your copy of Between the Wild Branches.
Get your copy of the first book in the series, To Dwell Among Cedars.
A little more about Connilyn Cossette:
I was that girl. The one with her nose in books all the time. The one with a stack of library books up to her chin. The one who got caught reading under her desk in school (usually during math class).
Among all those lovely books that ‘addled my brain’ as a young girl, the ones that became my best friends were the historical novels—the ones whose rich details and long-ago adventures took me to Regency England, Ancient Israel, the Civil War Era South, hidden rooms in WWII Amsterdam, Colonial America and into the Wild West. It was these stories that brought history to life in a way that schoolbooks never could, and fueled a desire to imagine myself in these times and places that would eventually spill over into my own writing.
“If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” -Rudyard Kipling
And on top of being a voracious reader, I was a reader with a secret desire to someday see my own book on those library shelves—a secret desire of my heart that, for a long time, I honestly did not give God enough credit to grant me. I kept that secret desire so close to my chest that even those closest to me had no idea that I had been writing a manuscript for years!
But God is bigger than my lack of faith.
When I finally took a chance and put that first manuscript out there in the world, I semi-finalled in the ACFW Genesis contest, won the My Book Therapy Frasier Award, signed with Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and within only a few months I’d signed on with my dream house, Bethany House Publishers.
Since my first book was published in 2016 my books have appeared on numerous bestseller lists, have won both Christy and Carol Awards and have sold thousands of copies all over the world in several languages.
And none of it would have ever happened without those first knee-shaking steps of faith and a God whose faithfulness and goodness far outweighs my doubts and insecurities.
Above all that God has done with my writing career and regardless of where He may lead me in the future, my passion is to write stories that draw readers into an immersive experience within the rich ancient world of the Bible, to personalize the history found there, and to spark a curiosity that will lead to digging deeper into the truth of the Word.