Yippee! We have another Ever After Mystery to share with you.
This week is release week for the second book in the Ever After Mystery series, A Giant Murder by Marji Laine. My book in the Ever After series, Slashed Canvas, doesn’t release until February, so it will be awhile, but in the mean time, you can go get the other books. To celebrate the release, all the Ever After mystery authors are doing a blog hop that includes a mini-mystery and prizes. This time I get to start off the festivities! These Ever After Mysteries are so much fun! Be sure to read them all because there is such a fun surprise at the very end.
Who Spilled the Beans?
The last note of the last hymn at church had barely faded into the high rafters before I was accosted by a group of five women. One of them gave me a hug. “Wow, I’ve missed you.” Then she lowered her voice “Is it true?”
I scanned the group, all my friends, all of them staring at me as if I held the secret to the lock on the vault in Fort Knox. “Is what true?”
“Come on, Liz.” My curly-haired, perfect-makeup friend shook her head. “I’ve known you too long, so I can tell when you’re holding something back. I’ve heard rumblings about something going on.”
“There is no news. At least not anything I can tell in less than forty-five thousand words.”
The pianist, who was also the pastor’s wife, pointed her long finger at me. “There have been whispers, rumors going around. Something about the WWII era.”
“What would your husband say about you listening to and spreading gossip? Really, ladies, there’s nothing to tell.” My daughter pulled on my skirt. “I need to go.”
“Oh no you don’t.” This woman smiled a brilliant white smile, but her eyes held a hint of… was that threat? “You aren’t going anywhere until you spill the beans. I also heard it has something to do with the 1940’s. I know it’s your favorite time period to write.”
“Listen, you can tie me up, slather me with honey, and leave me in the lawn for the ants to devour. You aren’t getting anything from me.”
“You know I love you.” Yet another friend, this one who spoke muy rapida. “But I heard it from someone that—”
“Just never you mind about what you heard.”
And there came my husband, my knight in shining armor on his white steed. “I’ve been waiting in the car for you forever. I know your mom’s making chicken for dinner, and I don’t want to be late.”
I allowed him to lead me away, casting a glance over my shoulder at my five open-mouthed friends. “Good luck in pinning spilling the beans on me. Maybe it was Marji. Try talking to her.”

The Newest Ever After Mystery, A Giant Murder, by Marji Laine is now available! Be sure to head over to Marji’s post tomorrow for more fun! Don’t forget to read all of the mini-mysteries and enter to win and to find out who spilled the beans. I promise you – it wasn’t me. You didn’t hear it from me, remember LOL!
My book, Slashed Canvas, doesn’t release until February, but you can already preorder it! Then you’ll have something to look forward to about winter and a little surprise in your mailbox or on your Kindle come February. Besides that is coming up faster than we care to admit. That’s only six months away. Yikes!