Our guest this week on The Story behind the Story is Kathy McKinsey, sharing about her book All My Tears. Before we find out what inspired her to write it, let’s find out a little bit about the story.
Five women search for God’s hope through sorrow and deep troubles.
Meet five women who struggle with life’s deep sorrows. Beth fights to recover from alcoholism and to mend her relationships with her family. Ann doesn’t believe God will forgive her. Kathleen wrestles with a years-old fear and with saving her marriage. Cassie needs to learn to deal with chronic depression. Martie finds herself the single parent of the eight-year-old niece she barely knows when the child’s parents die in a car wreck.
See how god gives them the gifts of hope, healing, and love.
Sounds interesting. What sparked the idea for your book?
I began writing with excitement as a teenager, then let it go for over thirty years. I said I’d write again when I retired.
Seven years ago, I had to stop working due to health reasons. This left me flailing for something to do to make me feel useful. God showed me that if I didn’t use this time to write, I’d just be silly.
Those first few years, story ideas flooded over me. I wanted to write stories like the kind I like to read, stories about women who love and struggle and have relationships with interesting people, and who need God’s grace in their lives.
None of the five novellas in All My Tears is autobiographical. However, I’ve dealt with depression for many years. Keeping a marriage and family healthy is a major issue in my life. I have a strong understanding of addiction, and I know what it means to fear God can never forgive me. I have been at a point in my life where I had to take a risk and take on a challenge that filled me with fear.
I wanted to help people understand that God is our loving Father, who watches for us and comes running to embrace us as soon as we take one step toward him. I hope the stories in All My Tears will show readers this hope.
Kathy McKinsey grew up on a pig farm in Missouri, and although she’s lived in cities for nearly 40 years, she still considers herself a farm girl. She’s been married to Murray for 31 years, and they have five adult children. She’s had two careers before writing—stay-at-home-mom and rehabilitation teacher for the blind. Now she lives in Lakewood, Ohio with her husband and two of her children. Besides writing, she enjoys activities with her church, editing for other writers, braille transcribing, crocheting, knitting, and playing with the cat and dogs.
Purchase link: https://www.amazon.com/All-My-Tears-Kathy-McKinsey-ebook/dp/B07P92QZPJ
To enter to win an ebook copy of All My Tears, follow the directions below.
Thanks for joining us, Kathy!
I have chronic knee pain that I am unable to have surgery for.
God bless you. I am praying.
So sorry about the knee pain. Not fun at all. Thanks for stopping by!
This book sounds awesome! I Love the cover. God Bless you.
Thank you. God bless you too!:)