Please join me in welcoming Jarm Del Boccio to The Story behind the Story this week. We’re so pleased to have her along sharing about her middle-grade historical fiction. Before we get into what inspired her to write the book, here’s a little bit about it.
Can an Israelite captive, wrenched from all she loves, serve the very man who destroyed her village?
Miriam is asked to do the impossible: serve the wife of Naaman, commander of the Syrian army. Clinging to treasured memories of home and faith, Miriam faces captivity with worry and bitterness. Little does she know the Heart Changer is wooing and preparing her for a greater mission—far beyond what she could imagine.
This middle-grade historical novel reflects the heartache and angst of a young refugee in a foreign land where all hope seems lost.
Sounds fascinating. What inspired you to write it?
As long as I can remember, I’ve been drawn to historical and biblical fiction. I’m a realist, and it shows in my choice of reading material. I’m also a visionary at heart, and at times, I wonder how the childhood of historical characters would play out. If there is little information known about them, my curiosity takes over!
I have a soft spot for kids in the Bible who have no name and backstory, but have made a huge impact on the people around them. With The Heart Changer, Naaman’s wife’s servant girl came to mind from 2 Kings 5. So, I gave Miriam a name AND a feasible backstory! I try to stay as close to the historical account as possible. Since my passion is to ‘breathe new life into the pages of history’ I delight in the ‘what-ifs’ and bring the story to life so children can relate to the Bible characters in a fresh way.
I want my young readers to fall in love with history and the Bible. To see themselves in its pages. And realize these once-living children had the same hopes and dreams as they do. I want kids to know they can be the heroes of their own stories, which takes patience, bravery and often a touch of humility.
This is the truth I want my writings to convey: There’s always hope when God is allowed to write our story. He has conceived it, so He will bring it to pass in the best way possible. God has a purpose for every difficulty that comes into our lives, and if we are faithful to Him, He will use us in amazing ways. God works all things together for good — we only need to be patient, which is not easy!
Jarm (‘J’ pronounced as a ‘Y’) Del Boccio finds her inspiration in everyday life, but in particular, when she travels the globe, observing the quirky things that happen along the way. Focusing on lives of characters from the past, Jarm is devoted to breathing new life into the pages of history.
Jarm has a background in elementary and high school education, and served for seven years as a school librarian. Grateful for the opportunity, she taught three missionary kids in an isolated area of Papua New Guinea. She is part of SCBWI and American Christian Fiction Writers, and has published articles in “The Old Schoolhouse” magazine.
“The Heart Changer,” her debut MG historical/biblical fiction, released with Ambassador International on April 26th, 2019. Jarm is content with the journey God has placed her on, and lives with her husband, adult daughter and son (when he lands at home) in a tree-lined suburb of Chicago. She’d love to connect with you on her author’s website/blog at:
“My Passion is to Make Scripture and History Come Alive for my Readers: Illuminating the Past. Making Sense of the Present. Offering Hope for the Future.”
Her author’s website/blog:
Facebook Page:
Purchase link:
How very interesting, and a great way to get kids interested in both history and the Bible. Thanks for sharing!
Jarm is giving away an ebook copy of The Heart Changer. Follow the directions below to enter.
Thanks for joining us, Jarm!
Thanks so much for hosting me, Liz!
It was fascinating reading your post Jarm Can’t wait to read your book. Congratulations by the way!
It’s so good to hear from you, Bev! And thanks. I trust Miriam’s story will touch your heart. Wish we didn’t live so far away!