Please welcome Katheryn Haddad to the blog this week. She’s here to share a little bit about her inspiring new release, Mefiboset: Crippled Prince. First, a little about the book.
Denied the throne as king of Israel and crippled for life at age five, Sett spends his early years fleeing his grandfather King Saul’s enemies. Inheriting his gigantic grandfather’s height and good looks along with his father Jonathan’s positive attitude, Sett uses his wits to get out of life-threatening situations in Israel, Babylon, and Assyria. Despite his handicap, the beautiful Kissara becomes his wife, King David becomes his friend, and the forests become his mission. Though he must constantly deal with three enemies who do everything they can to make his life miserable, Mefiboset, grandson of a king, is an overcomer, a climber, a conqueror who triumphs in the end.
Very intriguing. Why did you write the book?
THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN TO INSPIRE THE HANDICAPPED. I was determined not to write a woe-is-me kind of book, even though that is what you read about him most of the time. Nothing kept my Mefiboset from getting around and living life more fully than most.
How did I determine that his feet were paralyzed? He mentioned to David his need to inspect his feet. Only people with paralyzed feet or with leprosy in them need to inspect their feet. With no feeling in them, they have no way to know if they scraped them or a sore came up during the day. With paralyzed feet, one cannot put their weight on them. Therefore, in the book, Sett invented 3-footed crutches that took the steps for him with his feet dangling above the floor. He went everywhere with them. Nothing stopped my Mefiboset.
And, oh my, Sett was handsome! Surely, he took after his grandfather, King Saul, who was not only the height of today’s basketball players with other people coming up to his arm pit, but was the most handsome man in the land. Plus, he had to be muscular in order to basically support his weight with his arms instead of his legs.
Of course, he had wife! Check out his genealogy. He had a son named Micah, and Micah had four sons, and so on. I loved putting romance in this story.
Finally, I added a subplot that is only generally alluded to in the Bible. The Middle East was full of forests in Bible times. Even in Jesus’ day there were forests; otherwise, where did carpenters get their lumber from? What happened to the forests? Why did the Middle East become a desert? So I made Mefiboset a forest preservationist, a naturalist way before his time.
Thanks for sharing, Katheryn!
Katheryn Maddox Haddad was born in the north, but moved to Arizona where she doesn’t have to shovel sunshine. She basks in 100-degree weather and enjoys palm trees, cacti, and her computer with the letters worn off. With a BA degree in English and Bible, she earned part of an MA in Bible, including Greek studies. Every morning she sends out an inspirational thought to some 30,000 worldwide. She spends half her day writing and the other half teaching English using the Bible as a text book to Muslims around the world. She has taught some 6000 Muslims and has converts to Christianity in hiding in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Uzbekistan, and Somalia, Jordan, Palestine. “They are my heroes,” she says.
Barnes & Noble:
Katheryn is giving away a copy of her book, either print or e-book. Follow the directions below to enter.
Thanks for joining us, Katheryn!
Sounds like a good book.
Esther would be a character I am intrigued by.
This sounds like a good read.
Abigail is my favorite Bible historical figure and the one that intrigues me the most. She is my hero.