Wow, I can’t believe how fast the summer went. We had a break of a couple of weeks, but now that we’re back to a regular routine, the Story behind the Story feature is back! I’m pleased to welcome Paula Mowery today.
- What inspired you to write For Our Good?
The first inspiration was from my father. He had a mysterious man approach him just like Colton and Marshall do in the story. (He turned the man down, just like Marshall does.) Also, being a pastor’s wife, I’ve experienced the heartbreak of discovering that a church member was involved in something completely opposite to what is expected of a Christian. I’ve observed this wrecking not only the person’s testimony but his family as well.
- What parts of it are based on real life?
As stated above, the man approaching Colton and Marshall at the airport is based on a real circumstance. Also having someone in the church be involved in illegal drug activity is sadly based on real life as well. There is a character who deals with infertility which is based on my personal experience.
- The book deals with drug trafficking. What was the research like on that?
Unfortunately, I didn’t have to do a lot of research due to the fact that much of that was based on real life occurrences. Though we live in what would be considered a small town in East Tennessee, we have seen way too much occur in the drug scene here.
- Was it a difficult book to write?
The book was difficult to write when I considered how sad it is that much of it was based on actual happenings. Writing it truly made me consider whether I’m being an authentic Christian. But, I found I enjoyed creating the suspense and especially the spunky character, Charlie. I liked that she turned out not to be the damsel in distress.
- Did you find that publishers were gun shy about tackling such a hard subject?
My editor at Prism Book Group accepted the submission instantly. I think that Prism isn’t afraid to tackle the real issues that face people every day. I believe they like the opportunity to be a good influence and encourage readers through the books they put out.
- What’s on the horizon for you?
Can you believe it? For Our Good was just to be a stand alone book, but that has changed in the last couple of weeks. I woke up from a dream a few weeks ago and knew that Charlie and Colton would be in another book. I have a few pages of notes and the beginning of the first chapter. I’m glad. I didn’t want to say goodbye to my spunky heroine.
I also have a Christmas story releasing from Prism Book Group as well as a story in their Love Is series which will debut in February.
Sounds like a great read, Paula! Thanks so much for sharing with us. This sounds like a story so badly needed in this day and age.
Paula is giving away an ebook to one lucky commenter. Follow this link for directions on how you can enter to win!
Paula Mowery is a published author, acquisitions editor, and speaker. Her first two published works were The Blessing Seer and Be The Blessing from Pelican Book Group. Both are women’s fiction, and their themes have been the topics of speaking engagements. Be The Blessing won the Selah Award in 2014 in the novella category. In November of 2013, her first romance released in the anthology, Brave New Century, from Prism Book Group. This book went to number five on Amazon’s bestseller category, historical Christian romance. Legacy and Love was her first solo romance and was a finalist in the Carolyn Readers Choice Awards in 2015.
Reviewers of her writing characterize it as “thundering with emotion.” Her articles have appeared in Woman’s World, The Christian Online Magazine, and the multi-author devotional blog, Full Flavored Living. She wrote a section for Join the Insanity by Rhonda Rhea. She has devotionals included in several collaborative books.
As an acquisitions editor for Prism Book Group, Paula particularly looks for romance stories with Christian values at its core. She’s especially attracted to those manuscripts that leave the reader mulling over the story long after turning the last page.
Having been an avid reader of Christian fiction, she now puts that love to use by writing book reviews. She is a member of ACFW and is on the author interview team. She was a member of the 2014 and 2015 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference faculty.
Paula is a pastor’s wife and mom to a college student. She homeschooled her daughter through all twelve years, and they both lived to tell about it. Before educating her daughter at home, she was an English teacher in public school.
You can follow Paula at Learn more about Paula at her blog at or enjoy her monthly columns on You can also check out her blog for Christian writers at
I live in a small town, too and I know it is very naive to think that no kind of nefarious activity occurs around us. Although it doesn’t feel as prevalent, I know for a fact the rural towns surrounding us have increasingly negative reputations due to higher criminal activity. It surrounds us and we have to make sure we teach our kids the importance of the Armor of God.
Terrill, I so agree with you! We can’t get too complacent, when those around us need to know the importance of putting on God’s armor every day without fail. Thanks for stopping by and for your comment.
Thank you for the interview. I love learning about new to me writers. This book sounds very interesting.
jlipayer (at) charter (dot) net
I grew up in a small village. EVERYONE knew everyone and their business. Looking forward to reading this book. Thanx for the giveawy!
Would love to read this! Unfortunately, I have been in a church where this sort of thing has occurred. Very sad and hurtful for so many!
This one sounds like a really good one that I think I would enjoy reading.
I like to read novels written by my fellow Christians.
Why do I want to read the book? I think it sounds like an intriguing story line, one I have yet to come across amongst my reading of Christian fiction. Drugs are such a play in today’s society, that I look forward to see how the author weaved it into a story.
Thanks for stopping by everyone! I do think that topics like drug trafficking are a natural to put in our storylines since it is such a common problem today, even in our churches and among Christian brothers and sisters. But I also love to show how God can work in our lives no matter how hard the problem.