A few weeks ago, my mom landed in the emergency room (she’s fine, thanks). I followed the ambulance to the hospital and went to the emergency receptionist to be admitted to the back. Ahead of me was a young woman, balancing a tow-headed two year old on her hip. Then she turned and I noticed that she held a tiny baby in her other hand. She asked to see a nurse. I felt sorry for her with a sick child. Then a fireman came by, one who had been at my parent’s house, and I went to the back with him.
A short time later, my dad and I were sitting in the hall, waiting for them to get my mom settled. I looked up and there were two nurses. One of them held that baby. At first, I figured they were holding him while the mother dealt with the other child. Then they began to look him over. I heard one say something about “surrendered”. “He hasn’t had his bath yet.” “Umbilical cord”.
And then it dawned on me.
The young woman ahead of me in line at the window had just surrendered her newborn son.
In the midst of my worry over my mother, emotions overwhelmed me.
This woman
loved her child so much she wanted to give him what she could not.
Her heart must be breaking into a million little pieces right now.
Some very lucky people are about to become parents.
I whispered the situation to my father, who stopped the nurse as she walked by. He explained that he had four grandchildren through adoption and that I was mother to three of them. She told us that the woman had indeed surrendered her son. They had her phone number, but nothing else because she had run out of the hospital in tears. They would call to check up on her health in a little while.
I was too choked up to say much but thankful that I wasn’t an eyewitness to the event. In my emotional state, I couldn’t have handled it. Yet part of me wanted to go to that woman and tell her what an amazing thing she was doing, what an incredible mother she was. I wanted to hug her, comfort her, and tell her that her son would always love her and thank her for her selfless choice.
This is what love looks like.
God definitely has special jewels and crowns for those people that LOVE enough to adopt other peoples children! It takes a special kind of person to even consider it, and just think what a great man it is to accept another man’s child. Such an inspiring and touching story. God bless you and your family. Hope you Mom is doing well.
God definitely has special jewels and crowns for those people that LOVE enough to adopt other peoples children! It takes a special kind of person to even consider it, and just think what a great man it is to accept another man’s child. Such an inspiring and touching story. God bless you and your family. Hope you Mom is doing well.
God definitely has special jewels and crowns for those people that LOVE enough to adopt other peoples children! It takes a special kind of person to even consider it, and just think what a great man it is to accept another man’s child. Such an inspiring and touching story. God bless you and your family. Hope you Mom is doing well.
God definitely has special jewels and crowns for those people that LOVE enough to adopt other peoples children! It takes a special kind of person to even consider it, and just think what a great man it is to accept another man’s child. Such an inspiring and touching story. God bless you and your family. Hope you Mom is doing well.
God definitely has special jewels and crowns for those people that LOVE enough to adopt other peoples children! It takes a special kind of person to even consider it, and just think what a great man it is to accept another man’s child. Such an inspiring and touching story. God bless you and your family. Hope you Mom is doing well.
God definitely has special jewels and crowns for those people that LOVE enough to adopt other peoples children! It takes a special kind of person to even consider it, and just think what a great man it is to accept another man’s child. Such an inspiring and touching story. God bless you and your family. Hope you Mom is doing well.