For a2z, this week we are up to H. H for HOP.
Jonalyn started aqua therapy yesterday. Needless to say, she loved it! She was hopping all around the pool. Well, jumping really, but that doesn’t start with H.
It’s great for her recovery. The buoyancy of the water puts less pressure on those broken bones. And she’s not afraid she’ll fall because of being in the water. She was so happy. She could move around wherever she wanted. She didn’t need anyone to help her. It’s wonderful to see her progressing.
I hope we haven’t been pushing her too hard, though. She very motivated – she wants to ride that bus so much. As we were getting in the van to pick up Alyssa, I had her walk and she indicated that her leg hurt (that same right one that’s been giving her trouble). I asked her if her leg hurt. That time she said no, it was better. Stinker. She’s not going to let on that she is in pain.
Until just three minutes ago, that is. She is tired and I think is coming down with a cold and she was crying, which isn’t like her. She was rubbing her leg and nodded when I asked her if it hurts.
Pray that whatever pain she continues to have will lessen soon. Pray that we will have wisdom to know just how hard to push her and when to rest her.
This has been a tough season. It’s so hard to watch your child in pain, especially a child that doesn’t understand. Yet we praise the Lord for her good recovery and cheerful spirit.
Alongside you I ask for wisdom. That we are told are never out of time to ask for. Therefore, now I am thanking with you.
Your plate is full. I’ll put your daughter on my prayer list. God bless!
Donna Winters