We are closing in on 2 weeks post-op. Jonalyn has finally started making some significant improvements. She is doing well without any pain medication. From time to time I need to give her straight Tylenol, but even that isn’t that much. She is keeping her antibiotic down. Yippee!
As she heals, she is beginning to come around physically. She is getting bored sitting in the wheelchair all day. Today I’m going to try her on the floor for the first time and see how she does playing with her basket of toys. She needs a change in scenery.
She can swing her legs around to the side of the wheelchair to help with transfers. Yesterday, for the first time, she began putting some weight on her legs. She’s not allowed to do it for long, but the doctor encouraged it as long as she was able to tolerate it. She is also scooting in bed and on the couch and just how I see her sitting with her legs bent. All very good things.
She had her first physical therapy appointment yesterday. It was mostly an evaluation so they can determine a therapy plan, but the therapist did some stretching and working on transfers. By the end of the appointment, Jonalyn was tired and in some pain. She did, however, transfer from the table to the stroller (I couldn’t do the wheelchair by myself) all by herself!!! That was huge.
Her appetite is coming along very, very slowly. Last night she ate a decent (for her) dinner and this morning she said she was hungry. It took a while, but she ate all of her cereal.
That’s where we are. I’ll continue to update you on her progress, but I’m also working behind the scenes on some changes to my blog. Keep posted as exciting things are happening đ