Jonalyn will turn 10 years old next week, but with her surgery on Friday, we doubt she’ll be feeling up to celebrating. Here is one advantage of having a disabled child – on Sunday we told her it was her birthday and she was good to go! She proudly tells everyone that she is 10 and holds up all her fingers. We had her party for her on Sunday.
She got lots of school clothes, a Squishable, and some DVDs for in the hospital and during recovery.
I lost my mother of the year award, though. I had a homemade (well, from a box, but as homemade as it’s going to get) cake for her, but didn’t have time to frost it. We ended up stopping on the way home Saturday night and buying a cake. Fortunately, again, she didn’t care. It was cake and that was all that was important!
Happy birthday, sweetheart!
Happy Birthday Jonalyn! I love the bear – is that the squishable?
Happy birthday, sweet Jonalyn! Praying for you and your mommy and daddy!