This week’s Wonderful Word is COLUMNAR – column-like.
We have a little inside family joke. On the way to the cabin, we pass a cemetery with arbor vitaes around the perimeter. They are tall and slender, very COLUMNAR.
But there is one in our family (who shall remain anonymous) who has a hard time pronouncing the word. cuh-LUM-nar. Instead, it comes out columanar. Now, even though I think this person has gotten the hang of saying the word, every time we pass this cemetery, this person shouts out “columanar.” Then we laugh and laugh until we cry. O.K., I guess you have to be there 🙂
COLUMNAR is a fun word to pronounce. cuh-LUM-nar. Now, however, I have to stop and think a second before I say it to make sure I’m saying it correctly. cuh-LUM-nar.
What kind of inside family jokes to you have?