For the past few years, Brian has been adamant that he wants to join the Marines when he graduates high school next year. I have to admit that I hoped he would change his mind. I also decided that, difficult as it may be for me to see my child in danger, I wouldn’t stand in the way of his dreams, but would support him with my whole heart.
Monday night, Doug, Brian and I met with a Marine recruiter. He was very nice and took the time to determine Brian’s goals for his life as he serves our country. Brian would like to be a mechanic and that’s great – it will give him a useful skill when he gets out. My son recognizes that self-motivation and self-determination are things he wants but needs to work on.
Brian took a preliminary test that he passed. The recruiter believes the Brian will be a great Marine and we agree. He has the drive to do it. So we filled out the paperwork and signed the consent form to allow Brian to join the Marines. He’s only 17, so he needed our go-ahead.
He needs to finish his national security clearance form and he’ll meet with the recruiter in a couple of weeks to turn all of that in. Then at the end of the month, he’ll undergo two days of tests, including a written test (sort of like the SATs for the military) and a physical test.
If he passes both of those tests, he’ll become a Marine. During his senior year, he’ll train with other recruits – both physical and mental training. Because he is enlisting so early, he’ll have his pick of jobs. No Marine goes in without a job, which is another benefit of the Marines. He’ll also have his pick of ship-out dates, probably in July or August next year.
It’s difficult to believe that this tiny baby we brought home almost 17 years ago is standing on the verge of manhood. He is making adult decisions that will impact the rest of his life.
We are very proud of him. He is growing into a fine young man and we believe the Marines will hone him further. He did very well in the interview and we were impressed by his answers. He was poised and self-confident and spoke well and clearly.
Brian, we love you and pray for you daily, that the Lord will bless these decisions that you are making, that He will bring you the desires of your heart, and that you will continue to grow in Him. May He watch over you and keep you always.
Oh Liz, this brought a lump to my throat. How proud you must be of your handsome son. I hope that he will be led of the Lord to make the best choices.