This week’s Wonderful Word is…
EUPHORBIA is a species of perennials, which is appropriate for this week, because this is our annual plant sale week. My dad is nearing 600 plants, and I bet we have at least 150. Among them is EUPHORBIA.
According to the dictionary, the plants got their name from a Greek doctor. I like it because it’s related to the word EUPHORIA. Makes me think happy thoughts. And these colorful plants sure do fit that bill.
We have this kind in our main garden. It’s doing quite well there. The flowers are bright yellow this time of year. Later on, they fade to a rusty color and remain pretty most of the growing season. Because the summer is so short here, we have to enjoy every little bit we can.
We have this variety in the front of our house. We got it from my dad last year. Doug really likes it, but it died on him. Thankfully it spreads, so this year we have all kinds of little plants coming up. By next year we may be selling this one ourselves.
The common name of the plant is spurge. It makes me think of scourge. Yuck. EUPHORBIA is much nicer.
What are some of your favorite garden plants? Why?
Choose your own wonderful word (or use mine), write a post, and please link back here. Thanks! (And if you’re in the neighborhood Thursday, Friday or Saturday, stop by and say hi!)