The letter M is for…
Playing Domino Euchre at the kitchen table with Doug’s family.
My family traveling across the country crammed into our little Dodge Colt with 4/55 air conditioning.
Brian placed into my arms as tears fell down my face. Alyssa placed into my arms in a bustling airport. Jonalyn reluctantly coming to us, frightened and confused.
All of our inside family jokes – sorry, not telling them.
Alyssa helping her grandma in her garden.
Brian playing soccer.
Jonalyn telling me she loved me for the first time.
Doug telling me he loved me for the first time.
Our amazing trips all over the world.
A few of the many, many MEMORIES I cherish. What about you?
To see more M posts, please visit Patty’s blog.
great M word! whats 4/55 air conditioning??
Yes, memories are special. Every one is part of making us who we are. I feel sorry for people who don’t remember their childhood.
4/55 air conditioning is 4 windows open at 55 miles per hour!
Memories bring such comfort and deep joy don’t they? Great choice for your M word. My hubby and I decided a long time ago to live without regrets so have spent time and money on traveling. – a great way to build up memories. Thanks for sharing.
Ha ha, I remember the 4/55 AC! I guess we’re showing our age. Great post!
LOL. I remember 4/55 AC, too.
I love listening to my kids share their memories of childhood. Of course I’ve learned a lot about things they did that I’d rather not know, but still!
Oooooh the memories!! We had air conditioned busses in Ecuador–they were open-air buses. No sides, just pews lined up and attached to the bed of a big truck. They were covered…and people rode on top too. Those were the best seats. 😉