This week’s wonderful word is: revamp.
I chose it because that’s what I’m doing right now. Revamping. In a major way.
I couldn’t get into my Amish novel. I have 2 1/2 chapters written. Just half a chapter away from being ready for my proposal. And I was bored. The characters had no life. They had nothing to fight for. They made me yawn.
I have a wonderful book (Deep and Wide by Susan May Warren) that is helping. Step by step, my characters are getting a personality and an aim. They’re much better already. I like them more. They have motivation. Fight. Drive.
It kills me to have to throw away 2 1/2 chapters, but I’m pretty sure they’re trash. But the new ones will be better. They have to be. They can only go up from here 🙂
I’m also revamping my house. I’ve been inspired to redo my kitchen cabinets. Inside. (I’m working on my hubby so I can revamp the outside, but that’s a story for another day.) They were an unorganized mess. Slowly, I’ve been buying shelves and baskets and containers and I have to say, the cupboards look better and it’s easier for me to find things. I’m training my family to keep them neat. I’ll let you know how that goes LOL!
Revamping isn’t always fun. Tearing down is hard – whether it’s chapters in a book or junk in the kitchen cabinets, or God using the circumstances in our lives to revamp us, to sanctify us. In the end, though, revamping is a good thing. You end up with something better than you started with.
What are you revamping?
I’m getting ready to tackle the guest room. Big job because the furniture is heavy. I want to paint the walls and the furniture. Oh and write 3 proposals that I keep trashing and starting over.
I need to revamp my whole house, but that just ain’t happenin’!