1. They blog. It’s much more fun.
2. They clean their offices. Must have a neat workspace before they can settle down.
3. They get coffee. After all, they need to stay fresh and alert.
4. They read a novel. It’s research, you know.
5. They watch videos on YouTube. They might just get some inspiration.
6. Looking around the office, they think how nice it would be to remodel it. Maybe the kitchen, too. And the bathrooms. Must go online for ideas.
7. They trim the dog’s nails. That insistent clacking on the hardwood floors drives them crazy. Can’t concentrate.
8. They stretch and do some jumping jacks. If they can get the blood flowing to their heads, perhaps they’ll get a brilliant idea.
9. They email their critique partners. If they aren’t writing, there is need to feel guilty about not writing.
10. They paint their nails. Must look beautiful when “The Call” comes from their agent.
11. They hunt the house for hidden chocolate. Somewhere there has to be a stash. Chocolate makes such a great reward for writing. Now, where could it be?
12. They write motivational notes and stick them all over the computer. You know, like, “One word at a time”, and, “Get moving”, and “You’ll never finish if you don’t start”. Even Bible verses like Acts [20:24]. “My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me.”
What do you do when procrastinating?
Funny! I am not a writer, but tend to procrastinate about most things… ;-( and do many of the things you listed. making tea or coffee is a big one!