I’m a little late…just a wee bit, but Y is for
Two weekends ago, while Doug was visiting his grandmother (98, still lives alone, as fiesty as ever LOL!) I painted the girls’ bedroom.
This is what it looked like years ago before Jonalyn came home.Pale yellow. In strong sunlight, you couldn’t tell it was yellow. My artistic sister painted the buttlerflies on the wall right before she was diagnosed with leukemia. So it was bittersweet to have to paint over them. The walls had taken a beating over the years, though. It was time. It was past time.
This is the result. The room is a work in progress. There will be butterflies on the wall again, just different ones I don’t have to paint. I found them online, but they’ll have to wait until after Christmas.
It’s still yellow. Even brighter, actually. But it sure is nice to have clean, unchipped paint on the walls again.
And finally, Z is for…
To protect her privacy, I’m not publishing her last name. Believe me, it starts with Z. She was one of Jonalyn’s favorite caregivers at the orphanage. Four years ago right now, we were sleeping in the guest house in Manila, just a little over a day away from meeting our sweet daughter. She had such a difficult time leaving the wonderful caregivers and nuns. They had a hard time letting her go.We keep in touch. Every night Jonalyn prays for them all. They still love her and care about her welfare. We feel the same about them.
To see other Y and Z posts, please visit Patty’s blog
I’m always amazed by the difference a coat of paint makes in a room…
Lovely photos and stories!! It’s nice to hear about nice caregivers at an orphanage!