Another one I didn’t have to think too hard or long about 🙂 Of course, U is for…
This is the title of my story in A Log Cabin Christmas.
Why did I choose this title?
At our Sunday evening services, we always have a hymn sing. Members of the congregation are invited to choose a song from the hymnal. We were still living in Florida, so I was younger than 9, but I remember my grandmother choosing the hymn Under the Care of My God. As she did so, she announced this was my grandfather’s favorite hymn. This was probably shortly after his passing. To this day, that hymn holds special meaning for me.
1 Under the care of my God, the Almighty,
Safe in the secret place of the Most High!
He is my Refuge, the Lord is my Fortress,
Him I am trusting when trouble is nigh.
Under his wings, under his wings,
Safe in the refuge hide thee;
Trusting his truth and faithfulness,
No evil can betide thee.
2 Be not afraid for the terror of midnight,
Nor for the arrow that hasteth to slay;
Fear not the pestilence walking in darkness,
Nor the destroyer that wasteth by day. (Refrain)
3 Seek the Most High for thy sure habitation,
Unto Jehovah for refuge now fly;
There shall no evil befall thee nor harm thee,
Unto thy dwelling no plague shall come nigh. (Refrain)
4 Love thou the Lord, surely he will deliver;
He will exalt thee and answer thy prayer;
He will be with thee to honor and give thee
Life without end, his salvation to share. (Refrain)
Here is the link to the tune, if you’d like that.
As I grew and struggled with fear, I memorized Psalm 91, which is the Scriptural reference for the hymn. Those words from our Lord have brought me great comfort and strength over the years.
When I began to write a story about a woman who felt alone, adrift, abandon by God, and about how she learns of the care of our Heavenly Father, the title Under His Wings was a natural choice. The image of God as a hen, hiding her chicks under her wings, protecting them from the rain, the cold, and predators is a powerful and reassuring image.
Under His Wings may not be a Christmas title like most of the other stories in the book, but for me, the meaning is deep and personal. Now – as a famous radio personality would say – you know the rest of the story. Thanks for letting me share!
To read more U stories, please visit Patty’s blog.
I love it!
And I read Psalm 91 this morning in my quiet time. How cool is it that God affirms and reaffirms through His Word and His people.
This really spoke to my heart!
“Under his wings, under his wings,
Safe in the refuge hide thee;
Trusting his truth and faithfulness,
No evil can betide thee.”
I’m a fellow fan of Psalm 91. I remember stumbling across it when I was a new Christian and thinking it was literally the answer to all the fears and anxieties I had!
It is a beautiful Psalm, isn’t it? All day long I’ve been running into Psalm 91. Yes, the Lord is affirming and reaffirming. I needed it!
I’ve always loved that verse. One of my early short stories was about a little girl having surgery who told the doctor she was “covered with feathers!” 🙂