This week the letter T is for…
Thank you to my husband, for cradling our daughter and holding her, comforting her until the ambulance arrived, for being with us, for loving us, for taking care of me when I wouldn’t have taken care of myself. I couldn’t ask for better.
Thank you to the paramedics that took such good, gentle care of Jonalyn and were able to stop her seizure on the way to the hospital.
Thank you to the nurses in the emergency room who cleaned her up when she got sick and watched over her with such diligence and patience.
Thank you to my parents – to my mom for coming to the hospital right away to be with us, to my dad for letting people know and asking them to pray, for both of them for coming to visit and bringing a smile to Jonalyn’s face.
Thank you to the ER doctor who discovered her pneumonia and admitted her.
Thank you to the nurses on the epilepsy floor of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. You ladies are awesome. Thank you for being kind and helpful, for answering my “stupid” questions, for taking Jonalyn to the bathroom during the night so I could sleep.
Thank you to the neurologist and the pediatricians who planned Jonalyn’s course of care. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me, to explain things to me, to reassure me. You are rock stars in my book.
Thank you to all of you who prayed for us, whether you found out about our situation through email, Facebook, Twitter or the church prayer loop. We felt each and every one of those prayers. I know it’s only because you all were praying that I was able to stay calm throughout the entire ordeal. I’m not usually a calm person in a crisis! I praise the Lord for friends like you.
Finally, thank you, Father, for watching over my baby, for sparing her life, for erasing all after effects, for sustaining us and bringing us to the other side. You brought all the above mentioned people into our lives and planned things for our good. All praise to you.
To see other “T” posts, visit Patty’s blog.
oh boy.
Terrific T, Liz.
God is so good!!