21. I really swell when bitten by mosquitoes. They hardly ever bother Doug – he’s just too sour 😉 They LOVE me and leave a real impression on me.
22. I talk to myself. There, that was a hard one to admit. I especially do it when I’m busy or stressed. I’ve been talking a mile a minute the past few weeks.
23. I like to pretend I’m organized, but I’m not really. I just know how to put on a good front.
24. I cry whenever I see other people crying. Can’t help it, can’t stop it. I’m a wimp.
25. Investments? Insurance? You might as well be speaking Greek (or Russian or Swedish) to me.
26. I don’t like strawberries or blueberries. I’ve put up two recipes of strawberry jam and my mom is bringing me 10 pounds of blueberries tomorrow. More jam, pies and muffins to make. I should qualify my statement -I like the flavor of strawberries, not the texture. I’ll eat blueberries if they are hidden in muffins.
27. I wish I spoke a foreign language. I know just enough French to be dangerous, but I don’t speak the language. This is something I wish they stressed more in American schools.
28. I’d rather be digging in my garden than doing almost anything else. Reading might be the only thing I’d rather do more.
29. I like nail polish. I haven’t tried acrylic nails yet, though I might. I don’t go for the outlandish colors (Alyssa’s favorite nail polish color is blue), but I like my nails painted.
30. While most people take showers in the morning, I like to take mine at night. I can’t get between the sheets when I’m dirty. So, after I did #28 this afternoon, I’m going to do #30 now.
I really like you Liz! :-)) I was most disappointed in my first taste of blueberries… they weren’t as sweet as I expected!