11. I like the finer things in life. Can’t afford them, but I like them 😉
12. I’m resistant to change. I’m still trying to get used to the new look of my house and it’s been 6 months now.
13. I take my computer with me everywhere. Even on vacation. I’m pitiful.
14. I hate calling people on the phone. I’d rather email or even text you
15. I love babies. Their sweet powder smell, their beautiful little smiles, their chubby hands. Miss mine. Sabrina, if I lived near you, you’d never get to hold Haddi Ruth LOL!
16. I’m not a night person. I’m not a morning person, either, per say, but I fall somewhere in between. I like to get up about 8 if I can sleep that late and go to bed about 10. Maybe [9:30]. Just don’t bother me at 2:00 a.m. Truth is, I’m not nice at that hour.
17. I like to be in front when I’m driving. I’m not a speed demon like other members of my family (you know who you are!), but I hate being “stuck” behind someone. I need clear air.
18. I spent the first almost 9 years of my life living in Florida. Already then I hated the heat and humidity. After a couple of gorgeous days, it’s supposed to get oven-like here this weekend. I hate that.
19. I LOVE bracelets. I can do without most kinds of jewelry, but not my bracelets. I like to collect them, too. That and anklets.
20. I’m all about matching. Forget contrast for me, I have to match. Clothes, furniture, flowers, everything. I’m wishing my fridge would die so I could get one that matches the rest of my appliances. I have poor Jonalyn walking around the house talking about things that match. She’s my girl!
I’m similar in a lot of things, Liz! I love babies, like things that match, and I’m VERY resistant to change. I prefer it when I initiate changes, and even then I take a while to get used to it…! ;-))
I’m enjoying your list,
No wonder we’re friends, I think the only number that doesn’t work for me is 18. Diana
I’m totally with you on #13 & 14. Loved #16… LOL!!!
I love new baby smell!! Well, except at certain times! 😉 And it would be ok with me for you to hold and snuggle my Haddi Ruth.
I am also neither a morning person nor a night owl.
And I was going to comment on one of the other things you listed, but right now, for the life of me, I cannot remember what it was! LOL!