Today’s post is brought to you by the letter F and…
O.K., you know I had to do flowers since I have so many in my yard. Here’s a small sampling from pictures I took a week or two ago. The garden looks completely different already, but that will have to wait for another day. Without further ado…flowers.
Isn’t that a pretty color of iris?
Butter and sugar Siberian iris. Doug’s big into Siberian irises now and this is my favorite.
Another of Doug’s favorite irises. This has a lovely variegated leaf.
Some of my peonies. They were getting a little spent by the time I took this picture.
On the left if Lady’s Mantle. It’s so pretty when it rains because the droplets hang on the leaves. On the right is spider wort. Both of these are shade plants.
Sorry, I’m not the photographer in the family, but that’s a sample of my flowers.
To see more a2z posts, go to Patty’s website.
Ok, so if you ever make it to our neck of the woods, do NOT judge me by the flowers in my yard!!! đ Yours are beautiful; mine…not so much!
I love flower gardens! Thanks for sharing yours! Hugs!
What a lovely flower garden! I am s-l-o-w-l-y getting mine back in shape. They were sadly neglected for a while. Thanks for sharing the pics of your beautiful, well-tended flowers!
MORE beautiful flowers! However do you all do it? I grow grand dandelions!
I have a brown thumb, but love looking at flowers, so appreciate those of you who can make them grow!
Your flowers are SO pretty!! I gave up on flower gardening–they all died. LoL. So I’m a wild-child and enjoy all the wild flowers around me. đ Very nice flowers!! =]
Thanks for sharing. It’s so helpful information.
a2z park