As I mentioned in a previous post which you can read about here, I spent some time with three wonderful and gracious Dutch men who helped me with the research for my WWII novel set in the Netherlands. Their help was invaluable. I don’t know if I could write this book without their input. Not this detailed, anyway – you know, the things that lend it an authentic flavor.
I started worrying about who I would interview for the next book in the series set in Germany during the war. My aunt lived in Berlin at that time and has helped me some, but her health isn’t good. She got me started and now I need to come up with other resources. Mind you, I’m still working on the one set in the Netherlands. Honestly, I didn’t even really pray much about it, figuring I would worry about it after I turned in this manuscript.
Yesterday, a friend from Germany came to our house for Sunday dinner. He and his wife & family live in Munich now. It was wonderful to reconnect after many years. He asked me how my writing was going and I gave him a little recap, then mentioned when I get to book two of the series, I might call on them for some help with research, thinking they’d be able to read things in German I couldn’t translate. Well, he proceeds to tell me that three of his grandparents survived the war in Germany and all three had amazing stories. He has aunts and uncles still alive and living in Germany who would be happy to help me. In other words, my book just wrote itself! How gracious God is in all the details! Oh, to trust him more.
For more Memorial Box entries, visit Linny’s blog.
How cool to see God’s provision for your book even when you didn’t ask. He knew your fears, and He calmed them!
That’s awesome!!! Thanking the Lord for giving you what you needed 🙂