FOR TODAY September 7, 2010
Outside my window…the sun is shining brightly, but it is so very windy! There are still roses and sedum blooming in my garden, but it is past peak this year. So sad.
I am thinking…that I really need to get cracking on my proposal before a writer’s conference I’ll be attending next week.
I am thankful for…a wonderful weekend with my family
From the learning rooms…everyone is back at school. We’re starting to get some grades from Brian & Alyssa and they are doing very well. Praying this continues for the rest of the year!
From the kitchen…I haven’t gotten that far. Maybe stew.
I am wearing…my painting clothes. No painting today – I’m coloring my hair.
I am creating…a proposal for the ACFW conference.
I am going…nowhere, except to pick the kids up from school. Love these days!
I am reading…”A Door County Christmas”. So far, really good! Look for a full review in the next few weeks.
I am hoping…I can get some good work done today.
I am hearing…the computer keys, the radio.
Around the house…nothing is going on. The animals are napping. I’m rather lonely.
One of my favorite things…a walk in the woods. It’s so peaceful. Good for the soul.
A few plans for the rest of the week: write, work, clean. Yeah, fun times.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing…
My artsy husband took this picture. Pretty cool, huh? That mushroom looks like it’s 30 feet tall!
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