I guess I have to change the little blurb about myself on the sidebar because I am no longer a homeschooling mom. Alyssa started school last Wednesday. And she loves it! We’re so thankful for that. I have to admit to being nervous about sending her to school. She is so painfully shy. I was afraid she wouldn’t open her mouth the entire day. And at first, she didn’t, but gradually she has been – as far as I can tell. She has fun playing with the other girls on the playground. She already knew one girl in her class, who is also adopted, so that helped. Another new girl in her class is fresh from Korea – came in on Monday and started school on Wednesday. She hasn’t been playing at recess because she hasn’t been feeling well. I’ve reminded Alyssa how awful jet lag is and how everything is new and strange to her. Alyssa did say hello to her in Korean and got the girl to smile. I was so proud of my daughter! She now sits next to the girl so she can help her. Here are some pictures of Alyssa’s first day of school ever!
Brian seems to be enjoying his sophomore year of high school. There was a mix-up in his scheduling – World History and Spanish at the same time. That doesn’t work. Since World History is a required class, he’s been attending that one. The principal is working on setting up an independent study for him and another boy who has the same conflict. Thinking about it, this may be best for Brian. This will give him another study hall and help to keep him from being overwhelmed by all of the work.
Jonalyn went back to school today. I’ve never seen a child so excited. All week, when went to bring the others to school every morning, she wanted to take her back pack and go, too. She didn’t understand that her school hasn’t started yet. But now it has! She couldn’t believe it when I told her this morning it was her turn to go to school. She went right with her teacher, so all is good. It did require a message to the administrator, but we have an aid for her full time. Someone has been hired temporarily until a permanent aid can be hired. I mean, they only had all summer. Guess that’s not enough time to hire an aid.
Here’s Jonalyn, getting ready to leave.And with her teacher in her classroom.
Jonalyn is finished with summer therapy. We didn’t see too many gains in OT, but she has blossomed in speech. It’s amazing how much she picked up over the summer. That was a blessing. She was supposed to go yesterday for the last time, but I had to cancel because Jonalyn has walking pneumonia. She had this nagging cough for over two weeks. She doesn’t act sick, though she has been quieter than normal. I took her in because I thought I shouldn’t send her to school with such a cough. I’m glad I did! Praise the Lord for antibiotics – her cough already seems less.
I am glad that you can see past the glitches and that your children had an overall positive beginning to their school years. Jonalyn’s classroom looks beautiful, and how precious about Alyssa befriending the Korean girl. You sound like a woman at peace, and it is good to see. I hope they enjoy and thrive this year!
I miss you all!
I hope the kids have a great year, and that you get some writing done, and that you come to the South (real soon)! 🙂