Yes, I’m here. As you can tell, it’s been a busy week for me. Last Wednesday my sister and her girls came to spend the day with us. While she was here, we celebrated my mom’s birthday. Here’s the cake the girls made for her.
The cake bakers.
Mom and 6 of her 8 grandchildren.I spent Thursday writing. I’m part of a new program on my writer’s loop which hold us accountable for setting a writing goal each month and meeting it. I’ve set my goal for 10,000 words for July. I’m already over 2200 words toward my goal. Woo-hoo!
Friday was my mom’s actual birthday, so after I worked a full day, the girls & I went out to dinner with her and Dad. The boys were away at our property mowing the camping area. Too bad for them! We went to a sandwich shop. We enjoyed our dinner outside because it was very warm in the restaurant. It was rush hour, so it was kind of noisy out there, but Jonalyn enjoyed watching the traffic go by. After we finished our meal, we discovered that the don’t take either credit or debit cards. Looked like we might have to wash dishes! Luckily, we managed to come up with the cash and we were free to go.
I wrote some more on Saturday. On Sunday, we enjoyed worship with a small, new church our church is trying to start. We enjoy worshiping with small groups.
Yesterday my parents came over to help us celebrate the 4th of July (yes, a day late). It’s been so hot and humid here, so we didn’t do much but sit inside. After dinner, Alyssa pulled out the Pictionary game. Doug & I went up against Dad & Alyssa while Mom kept Jonalyn out of our way. It was a close game, but Doug & I prevailed, even though Dad tried to cheat. He kept trying to throw in some charades. All in fun! It had been a long time since we played that game.
So, nothing very exciting has been going on here, but enough to keep me away from blogging. I’ll try to do better this week. Now I’m off to take Jonalyn to speech therapy, Alyssa to piano lessons and myself for a hair cut. Whew!