The girls and Doug started out the day in the pool. That was one of the best things about this campground – it had an indoor pool. You simply can’t swim outside in Wisconsin in early June, so this is great.Once he woke up, Brian joined us.
While they swam, I reserved a kayaking trip for all of us. After lunch, the campground owner came by with our kayaks. Our campsite was right next to the kayak launch. How convenient! He did a great job telling us a little bit about our trip and what to look out for. He showed us pictures so we knew exactly what to watch out for, especially where he would pick us up. Brian went out on his own.
Sometimes, he got way out in front of us.
Doug & Jonalyn had a tandem, as did Alyssa & I.
It was quite an adventure at first. Now, I’ve canoed before but I’ve never kayaked. Kayaking is a little different from canoeing. We spent some time in the grass along the bank in the beginning, but after a little bit, we got a rhythm going and were able to navigate the tight twists and turns pretty well.
It was a beautiful trip and we enjoyed it very much. We have sold our canoe and are now looking forward to buying some kayaks. We’re hooked.
Again the mosquitoes drove us inside. We had sausage & potatoes on the grill for dinner. I enjoyed our camper’s bathroom. I was able to have a hot shower to wash off the bug repellent and the sunscreen. It was quick, but great, private and clean! I’ll never camp any other way again. We started a game of Monopoly, but everyone was so tired from our adventure that we decided to quit and go to bed. It was a great day of camping.
Kayaking looks like great fun! It’s something I’d like to try. I’m glad you had such a good day!