I’m so thankful to the Lord for the wonderful people he’s sent into my life through adoption, who have also adopted. Sure, adoptive parents deal with the same things bio parents deal with – runny noses, sleepless nights, homework, puberty, and so on. But we also deal with loss, bigotry, unknown histories, questions of identity, and more. Many people don’t “get” us. They don’t understand the issues we face as adoptive parents and how adoption affects our children on a daily basis. They say our kids are so lucky to have us and think that everything is smooth sailing from the time the child is placed in our arms. They don’t realize that adoption will affect us and our children for our entire lives – every day, forever.
Please, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I can’t be friends with people who haven’t adopted. I’m not saying that everyone gets everything wrong all the time. I have dear friends who haven’t adopted. Yet they walk this road with me and encourage me. I am thankful for them as well. God has truly blessed me through them. But adoptive parents are a different breed, if you will. I can’t speak with any authority about pregnancy and childbirth because that’s not something I’ve experienced. People who haven’t adopted can’t speak about adoption with any authority because they haven’t experienced it. I went out to lunch with a “non-adoptive” friend last week and somehow we got on the topic of adoption. As I spoke, she said, “I never realized that.” I don’t blame her. She didn’t know. How could she?
But there are people in my life who “get” it. Who understand, to whom I can pour out my heart and know they will know what I’m talking about. They understand the issues. Many have been where I am and can commiserate. I was speaking to another adoptive parent the other day, telling him all about Jonalyn’s therapy and all the issues we are facing with her. He got it. He understood. He didn’t give me some platitude like, “Hang in there. Things will get better.” Instead, he listened. He told me he understood how difficult and draining all of this is. Then he prayed with me. Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Father, for all of the friends you have placed in my life. For all of those who have walked this adoption path with me. But thank you most of all for the adoptive parents you have sent to me as friends. Thank you for their experience, advice, wisdom and love.
Such a blessing are adoption friends. What a blessing to be able to be connected with people whom you otherwise would never have been connected to—like you!!