When we were considering Jonalyn’s file, deciding whether or not to add her to our family, we got quite complete information – birth parent’s history, siblings, medical updates and reports, etc. We looked them over very carefully. Our pediatrician looked them over. He was concerned about her speech, but not much else. No, we didn’t send them to an international adoption clinic to be reviewed. We decided that we could parent Jonalyn and deal with her needs, so we adopted her. By the time we got back to the hotel that very first day with her, we knew something was very wrong. CP was the least of her problems. Her delays weren’t orphanage related. Not all of them, anyway. Months later, when we got her diagnosis of microcephaly, I went back to the files. There, in black and white, was her head circumference. Someone should have picked up on it. But they never did. God closed our eyes to the information. God closed our doctor’s eyes to the information. Had we known exactly what we were in for, would we have adopted her? No. But I’m so thankful that God closed our eyes so that he could open our hearts to her.
That’s touching! Thanks for sharing,
That IS very touching!!
This is an amazing testament to the Lord’s providence. How wonderful that you have recognized it.