I don’t have time to post a Simple Woman’s Daybook today, but I wanted to share my daughter’s joy. Really, cognitively disabled children seem to be some of the happiest people in the world. They find joy in simple things. Maybe because they don’t understand the worries of the world. I don’t know. Anyway, last night was our church’s Sunday school program. Jonalyn did great, but wouldn’t say her lines. They needed to be fed to her one word at a time and someone forgot to do that. But she sang the songs and knew many of the words. The rest she made up. She swayed to the music, copied the leader’s arm waving as she directed the music, and smiled and smiled and smiled. At the end of the last song, as the notes faded away, Jonalyn pumped her fist in the air and shouted, “Yes”! Oh, that we all would have such joy in the Lord.
That goes along with our pastor’s sermon from yesterday. Our joy shouldn’t come from gifts – giving or getting – or even in the gifts Jesus brings, as fundamentally important as they are. Our joy in Christmas should be in Jesus. Period. Just in Him being God. Just in Him being our God. So simple. So joyful. I feel my joy over this season returning.
I loved this post! It is so hard to keep that focus. As much as I love Christmas and the beauty of it, I really wish all the hoop-la would just fade away.