Allow me the pleasure of bragging on my kids for a few minutes.
Brian: 100% on his English assignment, 90% on his algebra. Way to go! Keep it up. We’re proud of you.
Alyssa: Went yesterday for a swimming placement test because she’s going to a new place for lessons this year. She blew them out of the water (ha! ha!) They said she just needs a little fine tuning on her stroke technique, but has the stamina of a much older swimmer. Woo hoo! Now if I could just get her to join a swim team.
Jonalyn: learned another color!!! She now knows purple in addition to orange. Her new favorite song is “Where is Daddy” to the tune of “Where is Thumbkin”. She also makes up her own words, including “Where is Pizza” and “Where We Going”. Too cute. And she actually carries the tune. I need to look into music therapy for her.
Thanks for letting me act like a proud mother for a little while.
Terrific! Way to go, kids!