I’ve been tagged for a meme by realmomma! This is the first time I’ve ever been tagged, so I hope I’m doing it correctly. For this one, you need to list six unimportant favorite things. So, here goes.
1. Teacher’s guides. First of all, it’s great to not have to share a book. And it makes life so much easier if I have the questions (and answers!) to help direct the discussion. Don’t know if I could homeschool without them.
2. A cardinal’s song. I love their song and I love being serenaded by them as I walk or work in the garden. God is such a terrific composer!
3. A square of sunlight on the carpeting on a cold winter’s day. I love to sit in that light, soak up some vitamin D and get toasty.
4. My electric skillet. I use it several times a week. I make pancakes in there, pork chops and chicken breasts, a wonderful rice, chicken and ring bologna recipe, tacos, sloppy joes and many other meals. I don’t think I could cook without it. When we go to a cottage in July, it’s coming with me!
5. Morel mushrooms. It’s fun to hunt for them in the woods. And they are delicious! My mother-in-law always dredged them in flour and fried them in butter. They melt in your mouth. Last year Doug came home with about 30 of them. At more than $100 per ounce in the market, we probably consumed several hundred dollars worth!
6. Brown eyes. I always wanted brown eyes. I thought they were so pretty and expressive. Much better than my ho hum hazel ones. And God gave me three children with brown eyes. Lucky kids!
O.K. Now I need to tag six people.
1. Sabrina
2. Debbie
3. Our Life Unbound
4. Diana
5. Sarah
6. Joy Unspeakable
One last thing — the rules. Mention the person who tagged you, list your six Unimportant Favorite things, and then tag six other bloggers.
I enjoyed visiting your blog. (Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog also.)
I also love hearing the birds sing. For years I’ve said that God is the ultimate artist. I hadn’t really thought of Him as the great composer also – but you’re right. It definitely fits Him. 🙂
Thanks for sharing with us.
In His love,
Can you post your rice, chicken, ring bologna recipe? Sounds like something my kids might like!