Recently, I saw a bumper sticker that said, “Pro-Choice: Every Child a Wanted Child”. It stopped me short. All three of my children were what the world would consider “unwanted” children. For various reasons, each of their birthmothers was unable to parent them. They made the heart-wrenching yet loving decision to place their children for adoption. On the other side of the world we stood with our arms open, wanting these children that no one else wanted. Our youngest waited five years for someone to step forward and say, “I want you,” but we eventually did. We read her file and took one look and her picture and couldn’t not want her. God created each of my children and He loves all of them. He wants them for His own. How much more should I want one of God’s children.
I want the person with that bumper sticker to cuddle with my children at night and read to them and tell them they shouldn’t be here. I want him or her to listen to their laughter and say the world would be better without it. I want that person to look at Alyssa’s drawings or watch Brian’s football game or receive a hug from Jonalyn and say that the human race could do without their contributions. I dare that person to look my children in their beautiful brown eyes and tell them their birthmothers should have aborted them because they weren’t wanted. The fact of the matter is just the opposite – they are the most wanted children in the world. We longed for them, fought for them, moved governments on their behalfs, and welcomed them with joy. A much more appropriate bumper sticker would read,”Adoption: Every Child a Wanted Child”. There are 143 million orphans in the world waiting for someone to want them. Could one of them be waiting for you?
Very well stated! How right you are!